
To be completed by students on completion of each unit or whenever a student wants to provide feedback/suggestions.

We aim to continuously improve services, ensure compliance with the regulations and improve the facilities offered to our students. As one of our valued students, your feedback is an important part of our continuous improvement process.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this feedback form.

Student Feedback Form

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Student Feedback Form

Please indicate your response with regards to the following statements:

The information I received about the training program prior to enrolment was accurate and useful
The training facilities and equipment were what I needed for my training
The content of the training program was easy to understand
All written material received was easy to follow and understand
I felt comfortable and confident during the assessment process
I found the assessment questions were appropriate for my level of skills
I felt I achieved the learning outcomes for this course
College staff made my learning experience as a whole an enjoyable and rewarding experience
I would recommend this course to family and friends
The resources used were appropriate and relevant to the course
I would consider doing further training with this college
I was provided with the required support to meet my individual needs

Trainer Evaluation

The trainer gave an overview of the training program at the onset of each session and explained the assessment process adequately
The trainers’ knowledge and skills were relevant to this course
I felt my questions were clearly answered by the trainer
The trainer satisfactorily controlled the group
The presentation of each session was relaxed and confident
The trainer demonstrated that they had current skills and knowledge of their industry
The trainer allowed enough time for questions

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